The Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (FECA, Pub.L. 92–225, 86 Stat. 3, enacted February 7, 1972, 52 U.S.C. § 30101 et seq.) is the primary United States federal law regulating political campaign spending and fundraising. The law originally focused on increased disclosure of contributions for federal campaigns. The S. 382 legislation was passed by the 92nd U.S. Congressional session and signed by the 37th President of the United States Richard Nixon on February 7, 1972.[1] SOURCE: Wikipedia
Oct. 24, 2016: Recent events have brought to bear fierce “Pay-to-Play” allegations against the Clinton Foundation. Below is a complete list from which details the Corporations, Political Action Committee’s (PACs), Corporate Chiefs, etc., etc., who have donated over $2 Billion to the questionable Clinton non-profit. Seems just about every who who wants special treatment from big media, corporate America, and foreign dictatorships piled on board here. See Below. - Ed.
ELECTION TIME: No Accountability: The Second Deadly Governmental Sin
by Jefferson Pinto
When I first attended junior high I had six different teachers for six different subjects. We were taking a test in U.S. History and another student broke the silence and said, "Does spelling count?" And the teacher replied, "Of course spelling counts! Why wouldn't it?" Much to the dismay of the student asking the question, his plan to compartmentalize the academic disciplines (English-Spelling and History) failed. Up until this time we had one teacher all day and we couldn't play the divide and conquer game.
Donald J. Trump - Groundbreaking
Contract With America, Gettysburg, PA.
Oct. 22, 2016 Gettysburg, PA: Today, in historic Gettysburg, PA, Donald J. Trump presented a game-changing plan for his first 100 days in office. This revolutionary "Contract with the American Voter" will ensure that America's economy is revitalized and citizens are protected. "I'm not a politician, and have never wanted to be one. But when I saw the trouble our country was in, I knew I couldn’t stand by and watch any longer. Our country has been so good to me, I love our country, I felt I had to act,” said Mr. Trump in his address.
June 2008, Issue No. 3: Not since the anticipation of a sequel to 'Showgirls' has there been such a buzz in our little valley. Nothing was leaked in January or February, but then in March an announcement 'look for it', and then in early May came the blog confirming 'any day now'. Surely, a clever yet unnecessary scheme to build excitement was at play here. No matter, I could wait another five months.
The Mainstream Media - The WatchDawg is Asleep on
the Job.... Bias for Lacky Corporations & Govt. Corruption Means Zero Accountability
Jan. 2009, Issue No. 10: Desperate Times: How the Mainstream Press is still screwing UP the U.S. by catering to corrupt corporate interests ~ Toughie Times for not-so 'Local' Corporate Chain-Print Rags, and they blame the internet for their (failure) lack of Soul & Journalistic Integrity... Yes tough times for not-so 'locally' based corporate chain papers has meant the discerning post-economic-crash 'press' consumer has perhaps begun to read through their lines with their pocket books.
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