On Manufacturing More Costs: How to Keep Health Care Costs from Killing Us DEAD.
by Jefferson Pinto
July 2009, Issue 16: This column is not for everyone. Don't Ask your Doctor if it is right for you. Although side effects are rare, a small number of readers have experienced increased appetite, increased tolerance for forked-tongued politicians, and the desire to pay higher taxes for lower service levels. If you experience depression or feelings of helplessness that last more than four hours, seek verifiable facts immediately. [Editor's Note: The following Health Care Cost Analysis was written pre-Obamacare, signed into law in March of 2010]. Quick Link (This Article): http://bit.ly/2hPRtBh
Obama Government Stops Incentive Growth - Job Outsourcing & Obamacare
by Ladora McCracken
Nov. 2008: It sure scares me to think of Obama's plan for big government. We can do a better job of deciding what to do with our money instead of the government taking it and spending it.
Bill Clinton signed the NAFTA bill into law! The United Auto Workers (UAW) has been silent recently on that one! Why? One reason companies left the U.S. is because corporations & big businesses are charged such high taxes. That tax money could've gone back into the business for new hires, research and so on.
Gee Mr. Sheldon Brown
by R. Ellis Smith
Sept. 2008, #6: Gee Mr Sheldon Brown, I'm really sorry if I hurt yer feelers. Mr. Sheldon Brown is the owner, publisher, and neophyte writer of the new local rag, the Breeze, who is obviously trying to run the local Ventura newspaper media along the lines that the owner, publisher of the Santa Barbara local newspaper does.
by Larry Naron
VIEW Issue #12, Page 2, Mar. 2009: No, Probably just a simpleton. I've recently been researching The Crime of the Century. Okay I misspoke, since the Cover Up of the Century is actually more accurate. The crime has never been in question, as it was witnessed by millions of Americans on their black and white television sets.
by Peter Milhado, PH.D.
Looking at newspapers and television one has to wonder whether the world isn't lost in some collective slam dance. People racing around frantically going nowhere. At bottom, this madness has been promoted by corporate and patriarchal cultures. Never have we been so cut off from our intuitive insights and wisdom.
by Larry Naron
VIEW Issue 11, Feb. 2009: I hate being pessimistic, but do you ever wonder why Obama is being painted to resemble the second coming? Don't get me wrong, I voted for this wellspoken educated man. The issue I see is that people are placing way too much confidence in the ability of any president to clean up the current mess. This Article: http://bit.ly/2eOhETb
VIDEO: Ojai and Ventura VIEW YouTube Channel