• THIS PAGE: Are OJAI Elections TOXIC? Toxic SITE COVER-UP, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3fSyMfb
• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- Dick Lynch - Is Ojai Mayor "ASS BACKWARDS" Betsy Stix' STALLING Ojai, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3CHM7A7
• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- OJAI “Designer Label” Environmental Groups - Power Hungry Pied Piper’s to Destruction, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3fTFIZJ
• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- OJAI Water - SAVE OJAI'S WATER, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3CEy26z
• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- Ojai and Ventura VIEW Classic Website, Reports ------> www.OjaiandVenturaVIEW.com
UPDATE: Two Ojai Councilmembers (Including Mayor Betsy Stix), Hide behind Fake Environmentalism, as They Cover-Up Investigations into Dangerous Ground Water Pollution Violations. VIDEO: OJAI TOXIC WASTE SITE. NOTE: In Addition to "Blocking" The Ojai and Ventura VIEW from her Social Media Accounts, Mayor Stix has Refused/Failed to Answer Questions from The Ojai and Ventura VIEW.
• 7/6/22 Ojai Planning Commission (OPC) - OJAI'S TOXIC WASTE SITE, BLUEPRINT FOR A FRIENDLY COVER-UP? VIDEO LINK (46:OO Min), Video ---> https://youtu.be/fmHV034ddu4
UPDATE: PUBLIC HEALTH - OJAI BRYANT STREET TOXIC WASTE SITE: Multiple Sources Have Confirmed Ojai City Council Member Randy Haney, District 2, is running an active business on the same property the CITY OF OJAI and COUNTY OF VENTURA has condemned with numerous unresolved RED-TAG VIOLATIONS dating back to the 1980s. Additionally, Mayor Betsy Stix has Maintained Personal and Business Relationships with the Owner of the Property.
Despite the open violations, each council member has FAILED to CONDEMN and RESOLVE SITE Conditional Use Permits and Businesses continue to illegally Operate on the site. It is illegal to operate a Red-Tagged business from a Property without Conditional Use Permits, granted by local governing authorities. No such Conditional Use Permits have been granted. Clearly this is due to Council Members CONFLICTS OF INTEREST (re: With the Site, See July 7, 2022 OJAI PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, Posted Above (https://youtu.be/fmHV034ddu4).
• 9/27/22 City Council Meeting - OJAI’S Robin Gerber SLAMS OJAI MAYOR BETSY STIX for “BLOCKING” Her Social Media Post (Video Below). (This Video YouTube Link, https://youtu.be/g4jvdIZMisA)
“The following comments by myself and Suza Francina were removed from the Betsy for Ojai Mayor FB page, and I am now blocked from that page. Leaders engage, they don't hide."
• In an OFFICIAL LETTER, Dated Oct. 22, 2019, Obtained from the CITY OF OJAI, Rincon Consultants, Inc. stated, "Based on review of the Environmental Database (EDR) at least six underground storage tanks (USTs) were located at the site. Based on review of documents provided by the owner, two USTs were removed from the site in 1997. There is no information on the other four tanks. In addition, the documentation for the two USTs did not provide information on the locations of the two former USTs or confirmation soil sample locations.
"Count of Ventura Resource Management Agency online Hazardous Materials Program & Underground Tanks, Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) database. According to the records reviewed, it was reported in August 2002 that "they regularly dump hazardous material on the dirt in the field of the shop," which included pouring out cars cooling systems, systems cleaners and antifreeze. Numerous violations were also noted over many years indicating the spills and releases have occurred at various locations round the site.
"Onsite features include a below ground hoist, drains and above ground storage tanks (ASTs)).
"Site use as an out repair and tow yard for approximately 30 years.
"Rincon will conduct a geophysical survey at the site to screen the area where the potential USTs could be located to determine if they are still located onsite. We will also perform a soil assessment to evaluate RECs or potential RECs note above."
HAZARDOUS TO OJAI'S HEALTH - Both Council Members have openly represented a CONFLICT OF INTEREST and Should Immediately resolve the condition, or resign.• Ventura County Violation: “County of Ventura Resource Management Agency online Hazardous Materials Program & Underground Tanks, Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) database. According to the records reviewed, it was reported in August 2002 that ”they regularly dump hazardous material on the dirt in the field at the shop, which included pouring out cars cooling systems, system cleaners and antifreeze. Numerous violations were also noted over many years indicating the spills and releases have occurred at various locations round the site.”
• Again, (As Noted During the July 7, 2022 OJAI PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING (https://youtu.be/fmHV034ddu4)) the Ventura County Environmental Health/County of Ventura Resource Management Agency Hazardous Materials Program and Underground Tanks, Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) noted that the site, Underground Appears to have held at Least 8 Underground Chemical Storage Tanks at the Bryant Street Location, According to the County of Ventura, Six are still Underground on Site.
• OF NOTE: State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) - “Most underground STORAGE TANK (UST) OWNERS and operators voluntarily comply with applicable laws and regulations; however some do not comply due to lack of information, NEGLECT or DELIBERATE INTENT.
“The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) created the Underground Storage Tank (UST) ENFORCEMENT UNIT to support enforcement of the UST LEAK PREVENTION AND CLEANUP PROGRAMS, primarily by investigating VIOLATIONS of UST construction, MONITORING, and CLEANUP requirements. These include violations such as: failure to monitor tanks and/or piping, FAILURE to perform required TESTING, and TAMPERING with LEAK DETECTION DEVICES. The State Water Board develops cases to refer to the State Attorney General’s office or other PROSECUTORIAL ENTITIES. In addition, the State Water Board has the authority to PROSECUTE CASES ADMINISTRATIVELY cases administratively.” CONTINUED —> https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/enforcement/tanks.html
• 3/24/21: Study Links Childhood Cancer Cluster to Contaminated Water, Superfund Site, "Twenty-two children were diagnosed with cancer between 1990 and 2000 in one Massachusetts town. Two decades later, a state research study has linked that cluster to water contamination linked to a chemical manufacturing facility," Report — https://youtu.be/zz8EzOq0AZI
• Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) | US EPA, Report — https://www.epa.gov/ust
• LINK: Matern Law Group/California - Have You Witnessed Carcinogen Pollution Violations or Have According to the County of Ventura, Six Tanks, possibly more are still Underground and, as there has Not been a Complete Site Search Excavation, There Could be More Tanks….. Who Knows? UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN: What is Underground as an Excavation has NOT been conducted? Where is OJAI's Small Town Volunteerism? Our CLEAN-UP VOLUNTEERS? Where are the Ojai FUNDRAISING GROUPS, Events, Contributions to Help this Smalltown Business Get in Compliance? What are the EFFECTS of CANCER as THE CALIFORNIA DROUGHT CONTINUES…. with Groundwater Wells Sucking SAND AND WHO-KNOWS-WHAT CONCENTRATIONS OF CARCINOGENS Could be AT THE BOTTOM of Local Wells?
• TOP TIPS: How to Raise Funds for Your Charity, Report ———> https://maximumadventure.com/how-to-raise-funds-for-charity/
• 3/24/21: Study Links Childhood Cancer Cluster to Contaminated Water, Superfund Site, Report — https://youtu.be/zz8EzOq0AZI
VIDEO: Ojai and Ventura VIEW YouTube Channel