• 12/8/20 BORDER BUSTER:FBI - Fang Fang Swalwell Bang Bang:Communist China Spy Infiltrated California Politicians, Including Russia Hoaxer Eric Swalwell, (Swallow Well) Swallowelled It, Hook, Line, and Sinker, Relying on Chinese Spy to Trash America, Report ———>https://dailycaller.com/2020/12/08/chinese-spy-eric-swalwell-christine-fang/
"Name Me an Industry Leader who is Thinking Creatively about how we can Restore our Competitive Edge in Manufacturing." • 2008 VIEW: Lee Iacocca has a Few Things to Say About the Condition of the Country. Report ------> http://bit.ly/2j7AyLo Mr. Sparkles. • 8/5/09 One Man's Quest to Get Obama to Pay for his Nissan Versa: Confessions of a Cash for Clunkers Criminal Network Scammer. #ObamaLegacy Report ------> http://reason.com/archives/2009/08/05/confessions-of-a-cash-for-clun
GREEN SCHEMERS. • 10/8/19 Ukraine:Democrat Senators Ed Markey, Richard Blumenthal, Jeanne Shaheen, also John Kerry, Joe Biden, All tied to Illicit Pay-for-Public Policy Scheme:Hunter Biden & the Ukraine Gas Payoff’s - Where “Green New Deal” Means Foreign Political Burisma Kickbacks - Quid Pro Quo. Fox’ Steve HiltonVideo & Report——-> https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/10/steve_hilton_explains_ukraine_with_new_insight.html
INVESTIGATIONS - BIDEN BACK AT THE TAHOE HIDE-OUT. • 8/22/23: Biden Back in his Rented $18 MILLION Lake Mansion after his Awkward Hawaii Visit - Nothing on his Schedule, as Nevada and California Contend with Flood,https://listverse.com/2021/10/26/10-famous-gangster-hideouts/
DEMOCRAT HYPOCRISY, BROWN INVESTED IN OIL RESOURCE, THEN HELPED MAKE IT SCARE TO DRIVE UP HIS OWN PROFITS. • 12/19/15: Democrat Energy Mismanagement, More Democrat Corruption: Failed California Crazy-Governor Jerry Brown’s big bad Conflict of Interest Ties to the Oil and Gas Industry, Report ———> http://redgreenandblue.org/2015/12/19/jerry-browns-big-bad-ties-to-oil-and-gas-industry/
YOUR GREEN JOB WAS OUTSOURCED. • 12/6/17 Outsourcing U.S. Jobs - Another Jerry Brown Nightmare: How China’s Electric Car Dreams Became A PR Nightmare In America, Report ———> https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_4964233
NUMBERS CHEATING, IT’S EASY. • 3/6/02: ENRON, Digital Manipulation of the Energy Market, Did Enron Manipulate California Markets? Report ———> https://www.marketwatch.com/story/did-enron-manipulate-calif-markets
• 11/2/17: Clinton’s Uranium One DealLed to 20% US Weapons Grade "Yellow Cake" Uranium Sold to Russia as Hillary Clinton (CGI - Clinton Foundation) Reaped $145 Million Dollar Profit. Report ------> http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/358339-uranium-one-deal-led-to-some-exports-to-europe-memos-show TOXIC POLITICS. • 3/18/19: The Toxic Legacy of Uranium Mining on Navajo Land:The Disproportionate Struggle of Indigenous Peoples and Water, Report ------> https://savethewater.org/the-toxic-legacy-of-uranium-mining/ Shame Shame Shame. • 11/19/17: Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Az) was Foreign LobbyistWorking for Uranium Firm, with Ties to Iran. Ties to Democrats on CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investment in US), Report ------> http://thegatewaypundit.com/2017/11/nevertrumper-jeff-flake-foreign-lobbyist-working-uranium-firm-ties-iran/ • 10/20/17 Newsweek:What Russian Uranium One Investigation? - Bill Clinton Met Vladimir Putin after Asking to Meet Top Nuclear Industry Officials, Email Shows, Report ------> http://www.newsweek.com/clinton-russia-uranium-deal-689321 • 4/23/15: $145 Million Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid illicit Pay-to-Play Russian Uranium Deal, as 20% of Strategic US Stockpile Disappears, Report ------> https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians-pressed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html • 10/27/17: CNN’s Convenient Failure to Cover,but in fact to Deflect and Protect the $145 Million Clinton Russian Uranium One Spy Scandal, Report ------> https://hannity.com/media-room/2017-10-27-smack-down-huckabee-sanders-rips-cnns-jim-acosta-over-uranium-one/30144579/ URANIUM UMM UM UM. • 1/29/18 Crime - Uranium Black Market - Fall of USSR: International Smuggling of Radiological Materials: George Soros, Peter Strzok Sr. & Mark Strzok, Obama Administration Radiation Blessings, Robert Mueller, more. Report ------> https://www.truthandaction.org/report-peter-strzok-grew-up-in-iran-worked-as-obamas-envoy-to-iranian-regime/2/ • 1/13/17 Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CFIUS) Report:Loss of Critical U.S. Nuclear National Security Assets, ie: Uranium One, VIOLATION. Report ------> https://fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/RL33388.pdf • 12/21/17 Uranium One:Clinton Tied to Rosatom-Russia's Official Nuclear Agency-$145 Million "Donation" to Clinton Foundation, Report ------> https://themarketswork.com/2017/12/21/a-uranium-one-primer-clinton-giustra-kazakhstans-uranium-assets/ • EXPERIMENTS IN SCIENCE:These Atomic Bomb Tests Used U.S. Troops as Guinea Pigs, ------> https://youtu.be/tXX-1MIMr2E Russian Collusion - We Know Putin Funds Environmental Groups to Spread Propaganda to Kill American Oil and Gas. Democrats then Parrot that Propaganda. • 6/14/18: Russian-Funded Environmental Group Gave Millions to Anti-Fracking Groups, Report ------> https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/russian-funded-environmental-group-gave-millions-to-anti-fracking-groups “Hate to Say it, but….” • 3/4/22 Elon Musk Calls for Increase in US Oil, Gas Production to Combat Russia despite Negative Effect on Tesla. Musk's tweet calling for more fossil fuel production was retweeted roughly 20,000 times in 30 minutes, Report ------> https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/elon-musk-calls-for-u-s-increase-in-oil-gas-production-to-combat-russia-despite-negative-effect-on-tesla • GOVERNMENT ENERGY FACTS:The Strategic Petroleum Reserve | U.S. Department of Energy - Energy, Note of Importance: United States Oil Reserves are Simply a Matter of National Security, Not Meant to be Squandered, Outsourced, or Otherwise Minimized, Report ------> https://www.energy.gov/fe/services/petroleum-reserves/strategic-petroleum-reserve PAY-TO-PLAY. • 2/29/17 BIDEN FOR SALE:Biden Received Funds from Top Russia Lobbyist Before Nord Stream 2 Giveaway, “The Switzerland-based Nord Stream 2 — controlled by an ex-East German stasi officer and close ally of Vladimir Putin — is currently engaging in sanctionable activity, according to the State Department. Team Biden raised eyebrows, however, after declining to enforce sanctions, citing US national interests, Axios reported.” Report ------> https://nypost.com/2021/05/29/biden-got-cash-from-russia-lobbyist-before-nord-stream-2-giveaway/ They Will Be "Really Happy." • 3/10/22: Trump Claims He Sent German Chancellor Angela Merkel a White Flag as a "Gift" for "Surrendering to Russia" by Signing the Nord Stream 2 Agreement, Report ------> https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10596695/Trump-claims-sent-Angela-Merkel-white-flag-surrendering-Russia-oking-Nord-Stream-2.html Did Biden/Obama Surrender the Crimea to Putin? • 4/14/14: Why the Crimea Region is so Important — Russia’s Annexation of the Crimea Region of Ukraine is the Most Significant Geopolitical Event to Occur in Europe in a Generation.The Crimea is one of the largest regions in the Black Sea in terms of production of oil and gas. In 2013 production increased by 40 percent due to the opening up of the Odessa and Stormovoe fields on a shelf of the Black Sea. Report ------> https://peakoil.com/production/crimea-the-oil-gas-story “The Coast Guard continues to gather and record the information about illegal commercial operations by Russia in the exclusive (maritime) economic zone of Ukraine under the protection of ships and boats of the Russian Black Sea Fleet...." • 3/28/20: Russia Operates Captured Ukrainian Oil Rigs in Ukraine’s Exclusive Economic Zone.“While the whole world is fighting COVID-19, Russia continues its hybrid military operations in the Black Sea and violates the borders of Ukraine,” Report ------> https://informnapalm.org/en/russia-operates-captured-ukrainian-oil-rigs-in-ukraines-exclusive-economic-zone/ UNDER BIDEN We Are Now Producing 1.5 Barrels per Day Less than in Dec. 2019 (SOURCE: EIA (https://www.eia.gov) - Official Energy Statistics). As Putin Bombs Ukraine Civilians Dead, Clean Texas Oil/LNG Gas Workers Wait to Reduce American $7/Ga. L.A. Price at the Pump. • 3/8/22 Houston, Texas/Washington, DC: Energy Industry Pushes Back after Biden Admin/Talking head Psaki Disingenuously Blames Oil Firms for Woes.Energy Workforce and Technology Council CEO Leslie Beyer similarly said "some permits are viable and some are not," as a reason for why many are sitting unused. The federal leasing moratorium also isn't helpful in the current energy environment, she said. "The moratorium on leasing certainly adds an additional… block to American energy production, so that is the opposite of what we need to be doing right now," she said. "We need to stop the rhetoric that's anti-fossil fuel and we need some clarity just in the regulatory sense that this administration is behind domestic energy production." Report ------> https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/energy-industry-psaki-oil-and-gas-leases-ceraweek • 3/3/22: U.S. ENERGY INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION (EIA).Energy Details, Report ------> https://www.eia.gov/ • BANNED BY BIDEN,Thus No New Oil Resources are being pulled from Under U.S. Ground Drilling, PRICES SKYROCKET, EUROPE WAITS, AMERICANS PAY, PUTIN SATISFIES HIS BLOOD LUST, Database ------> https://bit.ly/3DwYA7s BIDEN’s ECO-CZAR John Kerry Cornered the Oil Market,Then Planned to Eliminate the Oil Competition and Reap the Profits. • 5/1/21: John Kerry Invested in Oil Companies Prior to Becoming Biden's Climate Envoy, Financial Disclosures Show, Report ------> https://www.foxnews.com/politics/john-kerry-climate-investments-oil-companies John Kerry, Mr. Biden’s Climate Envoy, recently said workers who lose jobs in fossil fuels will be able to make solar panels. Sure, if they move to China, where most solar panels are made. • 2/9/21 The Costs of Killing Keystone XL:“Even allies are asking Biden to reconsider his executive order,” Reports ------> https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-costs-of-killing-keystone-xl-11612915089 Shyster. • 4/25/16: EXCLUSIVE: John Kerry, Heinz Family have Millions Invested in Offshore TAX Havens, Report ------> https://dailycaller.com/2016/04/25/exclusive-kerry-heinz-family-has-millions-invested-in-offshore-tax-havens/ “China?.... They’re not bad folks, folks … They’re not competition for us." — Joe Biden, 5/2/19 • 7/25/14 Visions of Failed Paris Accord: River In China Mysteriously Turns Bloody Red Overnight. Local environmental bureau is investigating the bizarre situation, Report ------> https://abcnews.go.com/International/river-china-mysteriously-turns-bloody-red-overnight/story?id=24715670 FUEL PRICES SKYROCKET UNDER BIDEN DECISIONS. • 2/24/22: Biden, not Putin, to Blame for Higher Gas Prices, Report ———> https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/595706-biden-not-putin-to-blame-for-higher-gas-prices ENEMY LIST? ... BIDEN'S CHINESE BATTERIES. • 11/22/21 HUNTER'S AFRICAN SLAVE LABOR: PRIME SCARE Resource for Car Batteries: Hunter BIDEN’S firm helped Chinese company purchase rich AMERICAN-OWNED COBALT MINE in $3.8 billion deal: Report ------> https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-biden-firm-chinese-purchase-cobalt-mine A FISTFULL OF DOLLARS - PELOSI, PASSING DC LEGISLATION FOR PRIVATE PROFITS. Pelosi Refuses to Apologize. • 1/10/22: Washington, D.C., Has an Insider-Trading Problem. “Pelosi has come under scrutiny several times, including for purchases of Tesla stock made by her husband a little more than a month before President Joe Biden announced an executive order requiring that all federal vehicles must be electric.And last summer, her husband exercised call options worth $5.3 million to buy shares of Google parent Alphabet just before the House Judiciary Committee passed a series of tech antitrust bills so mild the market yawned.”https://youtu.be/mkr0bwV5YWE Report ------> https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/01/washington-d-c-has-an-insider-trading-problem.html PELOSI'S WASTEWATER WOES. • 5/26/09: Human Sewage Spills into Pelosi District - San Francisco Bay, Pelosi's Toilet Bowl Discharge, Video/Report ------> https://youtu.be/F3KeKhddeDA