by Ron Rowe
Oct. 2008, VIEW Issue 7: Two thousand years ago, a Greek philosopher said, speech is the gift of all but the thought of few. What tremendous power for good or ill, the spoken word has, yet how little thought most of us give to the words we speak. We talk at each other without pause to listen, a wise man once said.
by Sepp-Michael Zehender, Stuttgart Germany
VIEW EXCLUSIVE: Since 2005, Iran had been strongly focused on development of their atomic energy resources. Since then monthly and weekly news reports were published in the international news media about the efforts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to sort of control Iranian atomic energy developments.
Living in Stuttgart, Germany, we want to wish you a lot of joy celebrating this years Christmas season, Sun. Dec. 25th, while we enjoy our Christmas night, Sat., Dec. 24th.
I will continue with my business obligations I have at the Tehran-Mehrabad Airport.
by Jefferson Pinto
VIEW Issue 13, Apr. 2009: When the economy is in the tank (or for that matter the bowl) there are four things that consistently happen: local law enforcement agencies start cracking down on minor infractions to help the municipalities’ replenish their coffers, movie theater ticket sales increase, consumption of alcohol increases, and the churches fill up with people. This month, I’m getting outside my comfort zone to address a different and more “whole-istic” approach to public policy economics.
PHONE Call #1 to The VIEW, Wednesday, Apr. 18 2012, 11:06am: "Hi. This is Hank Bangser, the Superintendent of schools of Ojai. I believe we've met, if you're the same person I recall from The VIEW in the last couple of years since I've been here. Um I occasionally pick up your... uh your newspaper and I'm looking now at the March 2012 Issue 44 Page 3.
"The Federal Office of Education wins the Golden Fleece for spending $219,592 in a "curriculum package" to teach college students how to watch television."
by Jefferson Pinto
April 2010, VIEW, Pg. 8, Issue 25: It's everywhere; the newspaper, broadcast news, advertisements, and casual conversations. They all start the same way, "With the current economic crisis..."
by Lee Iococca
VIEW Issue 12, Feb. 2008: Am I the only guy in this country who’s fed up with what’s happening? Where the hell is our outrage? We should be screaming bloody murder. We’ve got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we’ve got corporate gangsters stealing us blind, and we can’t even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car. This Article:
VIDEO: Ojai and Ventura VIEW YouTube Channel