Original Publication: Dec. 2012: Issue #52: We recently celebrated the two-year anniversary of Cablegate on the same day as Bradley Manning testified for the first time about the torture he has received at the hands of the U.S. government.
To mark this occasion Julian Assange wrote a piece for the Huffington Post showing some of the effects of Cablegate across the globe, including helping to end the Iraq War and playing a crucial part in the Arab Spring.
When WikiLeaks started to publish Cablegate, the largest diplomatic leak in history, the U.S. government retaliated with unprecedented attacks on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, including threats to assassinate Assange and establishing an extra-judicial banking blockade against WikiLeaks and Assange.
Despite these attempts to close down WikiLeaks we continued with even more publications: the GI Files, Syria Files and the Detainee Policies. Along with our supporters we shall continue to fight through next year as well.
Read Julian Assange’s full article here: English [en]: www.huffingtonpost. com/julian-assange/wikileaks-bradley- manning-testifies-cablegate_b_ 2215387.html
SOURCE: Investigative partnership organised by WikiLeaks. Data obtained by WikiLeaks.
ORIGINAL ASSANGE VIEW PUBLICATION SOURCE (PDF): Original Publication: Dec. 2012: Issue #52
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