by Larry Naron
VIEW Issue #13, Apr. 2009: Of the several hundred books written on the assassination, you may notice some recurring themes like Lone Nut Theory, Conspiracy Theory and Magic Bullet. Although most of these terms are self explanatory, I will delve into the evidence and explain which theories I believe and why.
By Thomas Paine
Introduction: PERHAPS the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defence of custom. But tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason.
An International - Ojai VIEW
by Sepp-Michael Zehender, Stuttgart Germany
VIEW EXCLUSIVE: Issue #3, June 2008: Since 2005, Iran had been strongly focused on development of their atomic energy resources. Since then monthly and weekly news reports were published in the international news media about the efforts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to sort of control Iranian atomic energy developments.
by Jefferson Pinto
Editor’s Note: This is the second in a series on U.S. Immigration Policy. For additional background see Part I, Issue#27, Page 9 – Putting the Science back into Political Science
Issue 28, July/Aug sp 2010: Yeah we’ve got a big problem, but the fix isn’t simple. It’s important to weed out the rationalizations and the whining to arrive at a good strategy and an effective solution.
by Jefferson Pinto
June, 2010, Issue #27 Pg 9: I don’t really know what is more stupid: Non U.S. Citizens (including the president of Mexico) protesting the laws of the United States or Californians, protesting the laws of Arizona and escalating it into a boycott.
by Larry Naron
Jan. 2010, Issue #22: This article deals with how you can raise the consciousness of your friends, family, coworkers and just people that you meet on the street. This article is for people of all races and religions who believe in the true promise of our great constitution. In this article I will explain how the original media and our collective millisecond attention span has allowed the media to mislead us and drag us into immoral wars that injure many for the benefit of a few. It will also deal with the liberal media oxymoron.
VIDEO: Ojai and Ventura VIEW YouTube Channel