• THIS PAGE: Dick Lynch - Is Ojai Mayor "ASS BACKWARDS" Betsy Stix' STALLING Ojai, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3CHM7A7
• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- Are OJAI Elections TOXIC? Toxic SITE COVER-UP, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3fSyMfb
• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- OJAI “Designer Label” Environmental Groups - Power Hungry Pied Piper’s to Destruction, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3fTFIZJ
• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- OJAI Water - SAVE OJAI'S WATER, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3CEy26z
• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- Ojai and Ventura VIEW Classic Website, Reports ------> www.OjaiandVenturaVIEW.com
Our Ojai Mayor, Betsy Stix, is much like our previous prior, Mayor Betsy Clapp, the Clapper!
Neither had facts to back up a single thing they wanted to do, not one! Having a single thought of their own would require facts and expected results, none were there, or have been offered. I'd be surprised if they ever cracked a book. Facts - None offered because they are going to have a horrible result. Maybe that's what they want, for Ojai? Would keep them in Power as they Wonder How to
Get Out of the Mess THEY CREATED. Seems sitting in a KNITTING CIRCLE is all they CAN do.
Their “Building Moratorium” -- NO BUILDING. They don't even want Thoughtful Building. A building moratorium will result in much higher home and rent prices for all, way higher than the California nose bleed mortgage and rent prices we have now. Who would really benefit from that? The lady with 4 rentals against everything?? The young family with small children, competing with an LA person looking for a vacation home?
• Watchdog - Trigger: City of Ojai (YouTube Channel) —-> https://www.youtube.com/user/ojaicity
You have to ask yourself, what are the real motives? Answer: Rent and Home Price Increases. Who does that best serve in the minds of Stix' Pea Brain? Overly Rich Elitist Landlords. Can't think smaller than THAT. A horse has a better life in a STALL. Not a place for a family.
Our current Mayor, Stix, is calling for a building moratorium. Can this be the same Mayor that is for Affordability? Seems practical home remodels could be on the Hangin' Tree too. Affordability - At least "Affordability" was on her CAMPAIGN PLATFORM..... What is Affordable? Anything affordable in this town? Never a fact offered. Never a Definition offered. Much like our last Mayor Betsy…. Saying it, is expecting it to happen, with No Facts. Is that a reasonable leader? How many Ojai homes were built in the last decade??? 10, just Ten.
• 5/10/22 City Council Meeting (4:45:14 Hours) - Jackass Flats: Watch Mayor Betsy Stix LIE Over and Over About The Ojai Valley's Water.
Mayor Betsy has Forgotten that Ojai's Original El Roblar Hotel (Sheila Cluff generously made into "The Oaks") was... |
...the Centerpiece of town back in the Good Old Days... From 1919, Locals Could Swing in to the Watering Hole there, Mix with the New Arrivals and Catch Up on the Local Ojai Gossip. Now She Wants to Return Ojai Back to 1642, The Land of the Lost -- Nothing but ![]() |
Our Mayor Betsy is also calling for a Water conservation level 5. That would eliminate all Agriculture in the valley. After over a hundred years of modern Agriculture, Done, Finished, Another Viable Local Industry Gone - Orchards left to Dry Up, Wither away to Sagebrush. It's bad enough Lake Casitas lets the Water Run to the Sea, instead of Filling up our little MUD PUDDLE - No Fishing, No Swimming, No Fun. Before long Mayor Betsy may have to put in for a Name Change on the CITY AGENDA - from The Ojai Valley to DEATH VALLEY - Death of Agriculture, Death of Building, Death of Family Life. With a city limit of how many building units, where did Stix offer the facts? I've looked Under Every Rock, Sagebrush, and Homeless Encampment from the River Bottom to Meditation Mount and can't find a single FACT she may have left behind, not a one - Yep, Searched High and Low. Or didn’t she have the facts to begin with, just a Mandate - Ojai's MARCHING ORDERS Only She Can Devise? Is That Any Way to Run a Town? Water conservation level 5 would charge more than Double the Highest Rate that Golden State Water ever charged at the highest rate before their demise. Who gets the Benefit? Water Bills higher than the rent? Not a place for a family.
Does Anyone Remember What the city did to ITI Industries and Lynda.com several decades ago, Pushed them Out with an Unfriendly-like GOV regulatory environment - An IMPOSSIBLE SITUATION for them and us. Two small to medium-sized businesses, but not too big for the Ojai City Council, to provide the Axe. Suddenly, Gone were the Hundreds of High Paying LOCAL Jobs, the benefits of which filtered to Thousands of GOOD OJAI PEOPLE, the loss of which Increased the DAILY COMMUTE for Jobs Out of Ojai and INCREASED TRAFFIC back and forth, all So Ojai Could Push it's SINGULAR TOURIST TRAP Agenda - Hot in the Summer, No MUD PUDDLE to Swim in , but Oh the Pink Moment - a Tourist Trap with Limited BENEFITS to LOCALS.... Look at all the OUT OF TOWN VENDORS on OJAI DAY.... Premium Priced by the City for Local Sellers.... How did Kicking Out Good Paying ITI/Lynda Jobs Benefit Ojai's Local Families all these years? And Now, Even BIG TECH solar is leaving Ojai in Droves. Maybe they're going to China or the Congo? Why is That? And it Continues.... Look Now, How Many FAMILY WAGON TRAINS are LEAVING CALIFORNIA - Mind Boggling. Not a place to Raise a family.
How can Affordable Housing work with UNAFFORDABLE WATER, former Mayor Paul Blatz Asked? Good question to ask your Mayor. What Say You, Mayor Betsy? How Does Higher Bills help anyone? A Family just Can't Say yes to Stix. We can only hope that we have a few Candidates coming up that actually have the ability to Lead, address the basics, and will run for Mayor in November and stop this stupidity. You can’t teach stupid and it is going to get worse, way worse, not better. No Place for a family. Nope, No Place at all.
Hang 'em High !
- Dick Lynch
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