- 2008 Letter: Lee Iacocca Fed UP
- 2008: Our National Financial Mess, Media Failures.
- 2008: The Obama Bail-out Won’t Stop the Leaks...
- 2009: Bad Banker Boys Feeding on the American Public
- 2009: Bailing Out Detroit: Pump it Up or Let it Go Flat?
- 2009: Bankrupt Mainstream Media... the pitiful abducted hostage?
- 2009: Education: Helping Our Children Grow: Opportunities Versus "Mistakes"
- 2009: How California Passed Health Care Reform - Obamacare
- 2009: Obama FBI - School of Spy - Jobs for Almost, Everyone
- 2010: Economic Recovery? Pt. I Coming Back
- 2010: Education Pilfering Our Children's Future
- 2010: Pt. II Coming Back: Foreign and Domestic Challenges
- 2010: Pt. III Coming Back: Job Creation
- 2010: The Russian Pen Pal
- 77 Sunset Strip
- A Christmas Story.....
- A Study: Hillary's Chaotic Rage?
- Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Probably Won’t Read This...
- Arizona Immigration Reform
- Auto Industry Family Speaks Out
- Bail-out, GM Quality, and Auto Economics
- Bail-Out: "TAX Act of 2009": 10 Percent National Debt Increase...
- Chicago Dumbing Down of School System
- Common Sense; Addressed...
- Contact
- Department of Justice (DoJ) - Federal
- Does the City Attorney Need an Attorney?
- Double Dippin' School Superintendent
- Economy
- Economy: 'Heads I Win, Tails You Lose,' Apr 2010, #25
- Entertainment
- FBI - Government Corruption
- Federal Communications Commissioners (FCC's)
- Federal Election Campaign Act
- Federal Election Commissioners (FEC's)
- Federal Trade Commissioners (FTC's)
- Full Clinton Foundation Donor List
- Government in the Sunshine Act
- Govt. Money: Real World Consequences
- Home
- Idiot “Social” Medi-umms
- Immigration Policy - Fixes: Part II
- Iran Economy
- Is Freedom of Speech Just a Riot?
- Is Government Accountable? Mar. 2010, Issue 24
- Is Independent, Original, and Credible News Reporting Really Necessary?
- Iwo Jima - The Beginning of The Brian Faith Band
- JFK: Who Killed the American Dream?
- Johnny Johnston, Ojai's Developer Candidate
- June 2008, Issue #3: Hillary's Dirty Little WAR
- L.A. - Unions 40th Convention AFSCME - AFL-CIO
- Liar, Liar - "Nobody has to know the truth.”
- Lomax - Page 2 - Page 2
- Lomax - Page 3 - Page 3
- Lomax: at The Abbey Roads Rooftop Concert
- Lower the Costs - Page 2 - Page 2
- Lower the Costs - Page 3 - Page 3
- Lower the Costs - Page 4 - Page 4
- Made in the U.S.A. - Shop Local... Or Else.........!
- Mainstream Media Puppetpress
- MEDIA VIEW Na, Ne, Na, Ne, Nanny...
- Media: Wish You Were Here
- More - Page 3
- More - Page 4
- More - Page 5
- More - Page 6
- More - Page 7
- Mr. Ed Tells Ojai City Council How It Is
- National Debt - Page 2 - Page 2
- National Debt: Feeding the Monster Within
- NEW WikiLeaks -LINKS
- Next - Page 2
- Note to Uncle Sam: Step Aside and Call in the Professionals...
- Obamacare? Retrospective in Higher Costs
- Oct. 2008: Wine And Roses - After Elections
- Oct. 22, 2016: Full Trump Gettysburg Statement
- Office of the President
- Page 2 - Page 2
- Politics
- Pt II: JFK-Who Killed the American Dream?
- Reasonable Revolution - Let Them Eat Cake
- Salaries: Your Taxes Pay Public "Servants" & Bankers
- Sicily, the Most Illustrious Prince Lampedusa
- Skateboarders Get No Respect
- Support Your Local Everything
- Technology
- Tehran-Mehrabad Airport
- The Chains That Bind You
- The Greatest......
- The High Price of Freedom - The Iron Man
- U.S. Vet: NAFTA, Wars, Manufacturing, White Collar Crime, Immigration
- Unbelievable Bike Club
- Voting for the ‘Bestest’ The Fix is IN...
- WikiLeaks U.S. Govt. Assassination Threat - 12/2012
- Wine And Roses, Feb 2010, #23