FBI - under Team Obama
February 2009 • Issue 11 FBI:
- by R. Ellis Smith
The FBI said Jan. 5 it has launched one of the largest hiring blitzes in its 100-year history involving 2,100 professional staff vacancies and 850 special agents aimed at filling its most critical vacancies. (Writer: this would entail a conservative cost to the tax payer of about $500,000,000/ yr.
Yes Billy-Bob, that’s 500 million dollars per year. At the present time the FBI’s yearly budget is well into the Multi-Billion dollar category). Yet somebody was still able to carry off the 9/11 attack. Doesn’t seem we are getting our monies worth, does it?
The agency, which seeks to protect the United States from terrorist attack, fight crime and catch spies, among other duties, said it currently has more than 12,800 agents and about 18,400 other employees. “Doesn’t seem we are getting our monies worth, does it?”
John Raucci, FBI assistant director of the human resources division, said the federal law enforcement agency is seeking to bring more people on board with skills in critical areas, especially language fluency and computer science.
He said the FBI, which has been investigating corporate wrongdoing in connection with the current financial crisis, also needs finance and accounting experts, along with those skilled in physical surveillance and various other employees.
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
Once again the Federal United States Government shows how it’s priorities are classified. They want to hire 3000 FBI agents with skills in critical areas like language, computer science, finance and accounting experts. Not to mention the need for people skilled in physical and electronic surveillance and various other nefarious fields.
Wouldn’t it behoove the government to use the massive amounts of money ($500,000,000/yr) it will take to hire 3,000 FBI agents, and instead use it for upgrading our educational system in this country. They could then train our own school age kids in the fields they are so in need of. Do we all realize what kind of a school system we could have in this country if only the schools had 1/2 the annual budget that the various government “law” agencies have?
For that matter think of what the schools could have done with the money that the various political parties recently spent (over a billion dollars), on the year long election broo-ha-ha!
- Rellis Smith, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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