• THIS PAGE: -- Cheaters, Failing at the Enterprise of "News Reporting," Reports ------> https://bit.ly/41R0bBs
• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- FALL of the U.S. MEDIA - A DATABASE, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3ll1epD• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- CORRUPT PUBLIC EDUCATION - A DATABASE, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3KJZTUg
I could see the words forming on The Editor’s mouth, “You’re Fir….” “I’ll save you the Trouble (I interrupted)… “I quit!”I could see the flash of guilt Warp across his face. He knew I had dotted my “I’s” and crossed my “T’s” - Sources were Solid, Documents beyond question, and the story should go to print.
But I had been tipped off that my Editor was going to fire me for… “Insubordination” as he Titled it after I had slammed him for squelching (Censoring) what would have been the next in a news series of investigations I had been working on for a couple months…. (here, https://web.archive.org/web/20100309165920/http://jandersonphoto.com/AndersonPhoto2LocalRoot/tables/CSUNCSOsBurglary.html)
You see, the organizational structure of The Press was organized like a Dictatorship, not a democracy or republic. It had to be or nothing would get done. Someone, The Editor, had to be the Final Word, right or wrong, indisputable or Arguments would rule the newsroom, and Deadlines had to be kept. So it was up to the publisher to choose a competent and ethical editor, but this didn’t always happen.I had received a Tip at my Photo Ed. post at the school paper (in the "Journalism" Communications Dept.) that the Administration was covering up a Break-in, or Burglary to save the Reputation of the school. After all, what parent wants to pay for their kid to go to a college that is Loaded with Crime? Even rapes were being covered up but that’s another story which, in part I was told, led to California Disclosure laws (which are not always followed today).
They had to keep the burglary hush hush.
But I pushed to publish the story just the same. Even though the Tech I was buddy buddy with over in the Art Department (kept all the equipment, Computers, Photo Lab, Silk Screen stuff you name it humming along for the art Dept.) had Warned me, “Remember, if you question Authority too much, the Journalism Dept. has close ties to the Administration… they will stop you…” Of course I told him no way they could shut me up.Anyhow, I had published two or three stories about the guy who got caught downloading Test Answers from Faculty Offices. He was a CSO (student Community Service Officer) so he had a Pass key and Got caught Stealing Test Docs, A Cheater! But the School didn’t want it Public although we had A Right to Know! Right?
"The S__t hit the Fan - Then the Iron Curtain went up..."
Anyhow, this guy was a CSO, AND an AS Senator of the School of Communications and Professional Studies. (imagine that, “Professional” Studies?) AND he belonged to a Fraternity, 3 hats, so I had gone to the “House” and Convinced the Frat President (who was all too friendly to talk) to send this guy out to talk to me or the Fraternity could be Implicated in the scheme.Well I got a full Confession, had a helluva time getting that first story published - my paper’s school-paid Adviser (her husband was a Big Shot LA Times Editor) was more of a Gatekeeper and tried to convince me NOT to Publish. I began to smell a rat in the paper but pushed for Publication just the same and got it.
The S__t hit the Fan - Then the Iron Curtain went up, Dean’s Office said they couldn’t do anything until campus police finished their investigation, campus cops said they couldn’t do anything until the Dean’s Office finished their investigation, and the school president was hiding from me (The president, Jim Cleary, had been hired after a Hendrix concert got a little wild in the late 60s - my brother had brought me to that Sunday "Newport Pop" show as a kid). The administrators were all being pricks and covering their own asses.
The story was going Stale, which is what the school Admin wanted. Ann Salisbury ("Journalist" turned "P.R. Shill" for the president) kept on with her Shiny Smiles and "No Progress" statements on any investigations. Then I thought… looked up the president’s Calendar—- hmmm “Faculty Meeting on Thursday…”Our school had about 30,000 students at the time, so there were at least 300 teachers at the meeting, real big theater-style seating AND the President…. I sat right in front of him and shot probably a couple rolls of film of him from about 3 feet away.
So he knew he couldn’t Hide anymore. I didn’t have anything against him personally. He looked a little like Johnny Carson, and was real good at smooth talk, But I knew more than just the surface stuff of his administration -- the passed over promotions, no-bid contracts to school relatives, shady self-development deals, and that didn’t go over well in certain circles.
Well, after the faculty meeting I walked back to his office with him. It was real friendly, but eventually got a bit tense. I asked him, “About this Test Document Burglary…. Why hasn’t there been an arrest?” To Which the president uncomfortably answered, “Campus Police has to follow California Penal Code…”I had it. My next story which would put pressure on campus police and the Dean’s Office to get busy, do their job, or So I had Thought! I mean, this was a worthy story — all the honest students who studied their butts off for finals, and here was a guy totally juicing the System. Who does that? (Elizabeth Warren, Felicity Huffman, or Lori Loughlin?)
Anyhow, When I saw that Warpy look on my Editor’s Face, when he started to Fire me before I quit, I knew the extent of Fake News. They teach you, in Basic Newswriting, get all the tools to Investigate, BUT they don’t tell you they might stop you.
That’s when I realized the job offer from the Associated Press ("The AP")/West Coast Bureau might not be so good as it sounds. That’s when I realized I would have to Compromise my standards for the money and be “happy” or not.After I quit the paper, there was a Marked end that year of real news. Basically it turned into all Fluff Ass-kiss “Journalism.” Their nemesis, me, was gone, so they could loaf. In fact, the last issue featured The Editor on the cover, full color, full page lounging on the diving board of the Olympics-sized Aquatics Pool. He literally took a Dive for Truth.
Each time you compromise a little piece of your soul evaporates, along with the Public’s trust in you.
- JA Anderson
• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- Feb. 2022 UKRAINE INVASION Pt. 2 of 2 (4/7/2022 - Forward) - AND The CORRUPT Joe BIDEN & Co. - REPORTS DATABASE, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3Jpat1A
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