• THIS PAGE: Feb. 2022 UKRAINE Part 1 of 2 (2/22 - 4/6/22) - A BLOODY RUSSIAN INVASION - UPDATES - PUTIN BARGES INTO UKRAINE, ALSO The CORRUPT JOE BIDEN & Co. - REPORTS DATABASE, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/4h1lzvl
• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- Feb. 2022 UKRAINE INVASION Pt. 2 of 2 (4/7/2022 - Forward) - AND The CORRUPT Joe BIDEN & Co. - REPORTS DATABASE, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3Jpat1A
• VIEW ADDITIONAL LINK: -- SPYING ON, ESPIONAGE and MALFEASANCE Against Pres. Trump: - UPDATES - REPORTS/DATABASE, Reports ------> https://bit.ly/3bRi8Yg
• FB (Until 4/23/25) -> Ojai and Ventura VIEW • Web: Ojai and Ventura VIEW HOME • CLASSIC VIEW: www.OjaiandVenturaVIEW.com
The Afghanistan Nightmare. SKIES OF EUROPE: Why did Joe Leave Some (Link: $83 Billion in U.S. Military Weapons in Afghanistan), Yet Refuses to Expedite Polish MiG Fighters to Under Siege UKRAINE?
• 8/26/21 BIDEN/DEM CATASTROPHIC FAILURE - AFGHANISTAN: "The Thing That Everybody Needs to Understand, Even if you Completely Agree with the Biden administration's decision to withdraw, THE WAY THEY HAVE HANDLED THIS HAS BEEN
A TOTAL F—g DISASTER," he said, as reported Thursday by New York Magazine. Report ———> https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-afghanistan-disaster-moulton • AFGHANISTAN INTEL: Report, ADDITIONAL DETAILS/REPORTS/SUPPORT/DATABASE ———> https://bit.ly/3iJiaFH
• Ukraine Charity Organizations/Resources: www.RazamForUkraine.com • Ukraine Orphanages... In Need of Various Items; Orphanages, Deliveries, Kids Can’t Leave the Country…. Not All Can GO, FOOD, Medicine….. SUPPLIES - List: Abundance International Orphanages - Baby Formulae Apples Carrots, Cabbage, Medicine, Antibiotics, Humidifiers, Cotton, Diapers, Etc., www.AbundanceInternational.org • www.SamaritansPurse.org • www.CallRussia.org • www.ChildrenAreMagical.org • www.FightforUkraine.org • www.SavetheChildren.org • www.MercyChefs.com • www.SaveOurAllies.org • www.BearsBarbeque.com • www.RedCross.org/FoxForward • www.RSUkraine.org • UKRAINE CRISIS | International Committee of the Red Cross • www.T2T.org (Tunnel to Towers) • www.WorldVision.org • www.WOL.org • www.HeartToHeart.org (Medicines) • www.WCK.org/Donate • www.GokMusa.org • www.JewishFederations.org • www.HarpRescue.org • www.IFRC.org • www.HSI.org • www.ProjectHope.org
IF You Can't Trust Your President, Who Can You Trust? BIDEN’S MEXICAN BUSINESS DEALS HE SAID HE DIDN’T KNOW…. ABOUT, But he Did.
• 6/30/21 PHOTOS - Carlos Slim: EXPLOITING CONNECTIONS -- Joe Biden ‘Hosted Hunter’s Mexican Associates in VP’s Office and Flew Son to Meeting on Air Force 2’ Report ———> https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/15447551/joe-biden-hosted-hunters-mexican-associates-in-vps-office/
• U.S. Army, 7th Army Command - 100+ Year History, Report ------> https://www.7atc.army.mil/History/How "Old Blood and Guts" Did It! -- Excellent Intelligence and Superb Staff Work Produced a Feat of Amazing Generalship.
• 12/18/1944: The Untold Story of Patton at Bastogne, Report ------> https://www.historynet.com/untold-story-patton-bastogne/
• 3/23/22 Quits & Exits Russia: Putin Green “Climate Czar” Quits. First Senior Russian Official to Quit Putin Regime, Report ———> https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/putin-envoy-chubais-quits-kremlin-role-russia-ukraine-invasion-rcna21170
JUNE 2021 BIDEN STOPPED WEAPONS SHIPMENTS TO UKRAINE, STOPPING U.S.’ DETERRENCE FACTOR AND PRECIPITATING DEADLY WAR..• 6/18/21 “I Did That” - Joe Biden: White House Freezes Ukraine Military Package that Includes Lethal Weapons. Officials prepped $100 million worth of arms as Russia massed troops on the border, then put it on pause as the Biden-Putin summit approached. Sources (3/17/22, Link) Indicate 90% of Mariupol has been Destroyed by Russian Missiles, Bombs and Airstrikes, Thousands Killed and Thousands of Civilians Remain in Hiding. Report ------> https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/18/white-house-ukraine-military-lethal-weapons-495169
EDITOR’S NOTE: Based on the Facts, the Biden Administration handed over an ARSENAL of America’s Best Top Secret Military Gear to a NATION, HELD HOSTAGE INside BY TERRORISTS, Compromised Our U.S. INTEL Services, One Can Only Assume an Imminent Invasion.... arranged from Within and Out... Get Ready.......
Joe Biden has chaotically Invited chaos to a far-a-away land and the USA, Pulling U.S. Troops and Intel. (CIA) Out before Vulnerable Civilians were Secure. Biden Paid Cash to enemy commanders, he Gave them control over U.S. “Checkpoint Charlie” Military Security (as he splashes U.S. blood with his crocodile tears). Biden Created Overnight "Refugees” as he neglects Americans there. Joe's Administration is failing to utilize the existing reasonable vetting system, despite time to do so... He also Failed to Secure Documents at the Embassy, surprising staff with their Rudderless management - Bringing The Human HORROR. THE Biden WH Impacted Individuals by the Tens of Thousands and on the Continental USA, AND Spending the Last 7 Months FLOODING OUR SOUTHERN BORDER with 1.5 Million WHO-THE-HELL-ARE-THEY’S, Now, Don’t Assume “Sleepy Joe” is Sleeping - He’s has been VERY VERY Busy - Our Enemies Haven’t Worked As Hard as Joe~!!! Remember The Sleeping Giant, —-> Pearl Harbor~!!!
Leveraged: “This is Not about Trust….. not about Relying on the Taliban as an Equal Partner…..” - Jen Psaki, 8/26/21
• 8/19/21 BIDEN COMMITTEE/ADMIN IGNORED THE WARNING SIGNS: An Internal State Department Memo in July Reportedly Warned of Kabul Collapse, “The July 13 Cable signed by nearly two dozen Embassy staffers went through the Department of State’s confidential dissent channel and warned of swift ground gains by the Taliban and the subsequent collapse of Afghan security forces....” the Wall Street Journal reported. Report ———> https://www.theblaze.com/news/internal-state-department-memo-last-month-warned-of-kabul-collapse-wsj#toggle-gdpr
FALLEN ANGEL -----------
• 8/6/11: Afghanistan Chinook Shoot-down Incident: INVESTIGATIVE DOCUMENTARY: "DERELICTION OF DUTY" SEAL SIX Shoot-down, “The deaths of 30 US Special Forces units in Afghanistan (the largest single day loss of life of SEALs in US History) interviews Admiral Ace Lyons former Commander-in-chief U.S. Pacific Fleet.” LINK - Failed Obama Rules of Engagement: “Hearts and Minds Doctrine.” FALLEN ANGEL VIDEO (6.09 min.) ———> https://youtu.be/OvvFqckIp3k
FALLEN ANGEL FULL MOVIE (1:35.44 hours) ———> https://youtu.be/aCtzJ_brbeI
Iron Man - Ukrainian Freedom Fighter
by Joel Anderson
Dec. 2009 • Issue 21: In 1917, with significant New York Wall Street funding, the Bolsheviks waged war in Russia, and Nikolai Lenin and Joseph Stalin’s bloody reign of terror – the Bolshevik Revolution began. William Thompson, then a director of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, had given $1 million to the “Reds” to help direct the propaganda machine as well, millions more were funneled to the Bolsheviks through American International Corporation (AIC), Nelson Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Pierre du Pont and numerous other direct wall street connections, et al.
The Nature of the World
by Joel Anderson
Fighting against the slide into dictatorial fascism and censorship is not independent to those citizens living in the United States. The fight against govt/corporate imposed propaganda and numbing mind-control has been going on since... the beginning of time.
In an ancient region between Germany and Russia; the Ukraine it seems was always caught and torn in the crossfire between those two war-culture nations.
by Ron Rowe
Now that sunny days are here again in Ojai, it proves once again sunshine always follows the rain, one can forget winter. Coleridge wrote (1825), "All nature seems at work. Slugs leave their lair - The bees are stirring - birds are on the wing - And Winter, slumbering in the open air, Wears on his smiling face a dream of spring !” William Morris wrote the following. "Late February days; and now, at last, Might you have thought that Winter's woe was past; So fair the sky was and so soft the air ."
Chicago Nightmare: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt - "Half of Chicago Students Drop out, Study Finds: Problem Called Enormous Human Tragedy"
Grist for the Mill: Guidebook to Controlling Children and The Population Through re-Education in Chicago Public Schools
LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION: A CHICAGO INNER CITY SCHOOLS POSITION PAPER PRESENTED in June of 1968 to the Chicago Board of Education, was produced by the planning
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